Monday, August 18, 2008


So it's been awhile. I have no excuse other than the LAZY factor!

Not totally lazy, but I suppose uncreative with words mostly. I have in fact been doing a bit of knitting. Usually daily. Making small steps on several things.

Of first note, the MARKET BAG. This little treasure had a small error somewhere on the first round I noticed it part way through the 2nd round and put the project away for a LONG time. In July, I 'found' it and ripped it all the way out. I started over and lo and behold somewhere in the 2nd round I noticed another TWIST! I thought maybe if I kept going, somewhere in the 3rd round it might flip back? Nope twas not to be. SO... I ripped back again, only this time more slowly. PS, I did this one Saturday at the Irish Fest. I was sitting listening to some music and thought, why not, it's fairly mindless and needs to be done.

Back to the first row, where I found the twist, it was the 2nd to last triangle of the 1st row. I slipped the stitches off, twisted back and put the stitches back on the needle. I finished row 2 and 3 and started tier 4, but have now put the project aside for the Ravelympics. I did not make this a project for the Ravelympics and in hindsight maybe I should have, but oh well.

Now let's discuss the 2nd project which IS for Ravelympics. My 'Greenjeans for Joy' sweater. Which I think I am going to name REDJEANS for Joy because it's RED. Of course the original sweater was named Greenjeans because that was the name of the yarn. Anyway, my progress report is that this sweater is finally coming along. In all honesty, it is a QUICK knit. I just set it aside for months and months and months, like 5 to be exact! Anyway, I have about 3 inches left of the body, then I can bind off and start the sleeves. I am quite excited as it is looking more like SOMETHING every day. I've also gotten a fair amount of nice compliments as well... makes me feel so proud. I'm hoping to be on the sleeves by knit night this Thursday. Since it is MONDAY, that should be do-able. I also need to get the rav pics updated.

For the 3rd and 4th projects, also part of Ravelympics, one is done, Peekaboo mittens for the Mitten Medley where I medaled! And the other is the Ocean Currents scarf for the Scarf Stroke event. I started the scarf on Saturday at Rory's BBQ, on the side of a mountain (literally). I ran into a little snag which was HOW to do an p2tog tbl. I could not remember to save my life. Back when I did the swatch I actually looked it up... but being on the side of the mountain with no internet available... what's a gal to do???

Send a text to another gal that is addicted to Ravelry and the internet, too! And she has the oh so cool Iphone and she was MOST wonderful enough to help me out! She sent back the message of slipping the 2 stitches knit wise, throwing them back to the left and then purling them. So with that info I was able to move on with the scarf and finished about 3 inches. Again, I need to get some pics updated and such, but after downloading 700 pictures from the Irish Fest and this past weekend... I'm kind of tired of Iphoto.

And in INEWS... hopefully will be getting IPHONES for Bri and me this week! Am very excited. Heading over to the apple store after work to get some info. If I can't get there, I'll go to the At&t folks near the house that Brian chatted up yesterday.

Ok, off to work I suppose.


  1. Your blog post cracked me up! Especially the part where you mentioned texting me!

  2. jealous! iPhone jealousy here :(
