Friday, April 17, 2009

Knitting: So yes, it's my first pair

Of finished socks.
Exhibit A:
Schooner Socks

Much to the shock of my kntting friends... apparently I must have seemed like I've done a billion pairs of socks... when in fact, no, I have not. :)

Most of this is due to the first MANY tries at socks were EPIC FAILURES. I took a break from them and got pretty serious about socks sometime late last year. I've been making progress and they are definitely at a point where they are wearable, so definitely a step in the right direction (no pun intended)

I have serious second sockitis. It's very bad. I have several single socks in disarray lying about yearning for their mates. Honestly I don't know what is wrong with me. I enjoy knitting the socks... but I guess after the newness wears off, it's like, meh... I don't like you anymore. Actually I've come to terms that. Me and socks, just need a break.

Here's a list... of the top of my head of my singlet friends (and I may be missing some).
1. Brian's sock the pretty blue/purple one I made from a More Sens Sock book
2. Friendship Sock (this was a temptation mystery sock, the color stranded one)
3. Starry Night (another mystery sock actually called Fade Away)
4. Yummy Twisted
5. Berrocco Twisted
6. My Hair Potter yarn sock

In various states of completion
1. Cookie A's Marlene
2. Butterfingers (Mystery sock)
3. SKA March Mystery Lace sock
4. Cablicious (mystery sock)

So I guess all in all it's not that bad... or maybe it is, but whatever.

Anyway, I'm working on another stripey sock with KP Felici yarn. It's coming along well. I really need to get back to the Baby Girasole... as baby will be here in July and I have no idea when the shower is supposed to be, so better to be done soon, than too late. Anyway, that's all. Back to your normally scheduled programming.

1 comment:

  1. Very very pretty! Congrats on your first pair of socks. I love wearing hand knit socks. :-)
