Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Knitting: Sometimes you need a break

So I haven't been posting much lately, mostly because work has been getting me down for several weeks and I don't want this blog to be a whiny work rant. And while I've had a great deal to say knitting wise, I didn't FEEL good enough to write about it.

So me and knitting, we've been taking a break. My norm is to knit a little every day, usually at lunch and then usually again in the evenings... and I spend a good chunk of the weekends knitting. It's great and I find myself with a lot of projects but I make progress and all is well. However, lately... due to the nature of work, I've been keeping longer hours there, not taking a lunch most days, or grabbing a sandwich and eating at my desk WHILE I work. When I get home, I'm too exhausted to do anything but eat and go to bed, maybe watch a little TV and I KNOW my supporters out there are KNIT while watching TV... but I just couldn't. I would literally ZONE out while watching TV. I was a blobbity blob, sitting in a blob-like state in front of the blobbity TV. And my lovely friend knitting, has been sitting on the curb waiting for me to come by and pick it up.

So, thanks to Julane for a weekend rescue, I was able to hang, have good TEA and TV and KNIT. I made a little progress on my slinky ribs and Cath is WAY farther making great progress on hers. I still have about another 1/2 inch to finish on the back section before I do the NEXT part.

The Baby Girasole is also coming along nicely. It's getting bigger and bigger, still doesn't look HUGE but that's mostly because it's on a circ needle and you don't get the full effect when laying it out. But I LOVE the pattern. It's quite rare for me to make a pattern more than once because let's face it there's SO many great designs out there, but I could definitely see making this again. My first thought was to do just that. I'll do the baby one, then I'll knit it for myself and our living room. Anyone that knows me, KNOWS I keep my house very cool in the winter!

Anyway, I was hanging out on the RAV doing pattern searches and I really wanted to do another circular project. So there were quite few that I liked, but I did come across another BrooklynTweed, the Hemlock Ring. So I thought, why not. So I think after the baby blanket, maybe I'll try the Hemlock Ring as the first blanket for ME. And that will give me a break from the Girasole pattern.

In the meantime though, I currently have a lot of projects ON THE NEEDLES. So my knitting break is OVER!

Baby Girasole-BrooklynTweed
Slinky Ribs-Wendy Bernard
Marlene (sock by Cookie A)
Cablicious (mystery sock from temptations)
SKA March Mystery sock (from SKA Rav Group)

Of course I have other WIPS, but these are the ones that are taking precedence over anything else. I DEF have to ket that SKA sock done, the pair needs to be finished by end of April if I want to be eligible for prizes. It's not hard, I just need to sit down and do it, perhaps that will be this weekend's work!

PS, work is finally calming down... still entirely too busy, but the days are getting better, the fog is clearing!


  1. I can't wait to see a pic of your ribs. I have put mine on "TO" this week for some curtain knitting so you have a chance to pull ahead of me.

    I love that Hemlock Ring pattern. I can't wait to see yours!

    I am glad your work is settling down some too.

  2. I've been knitting a little less lately, too. Although my reasons are Facebook (newbie interest) and focusing on my recent job interview. Even with those reasons, I think I'd still be knitting less because I've transitioned over to warm weather knitting. It seems I always lose a little knitting mojo when winter is over.
