Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Knitting: Overload and Angst

Hello again!

So I really should be working because lunch time nearly over however, I am not ready to get back into the grind of it, so to speak. I have been mostly NOT into knitting lately. I think I had my quarterly knitting meltdown recently and the aftershocks are still with me.

I've hit the proverbial wall, or in knitter's terms, I dropped a stitch and need to go back and find it and fix it and move on.

I think my recent problems stem from OVERLOAD. There are so many things I want to make, projects I want to cast on, items I NEED to finish and then there's the yarn... oh my heavens the yarn.

Ya see, I had started these socks... the gull wing ones with the sockgate colorway from Blue Moon. And I LOVE the pattern and I l LOVE the yarn... but I hit a point where I just want to be done with the sock already. I mean I cast on back at the end of Sock Summit... do you remember sock summit? It seems like just yesterday, but holy cow, it was like three dreadfully longs weeks ago and sometimes... it feels like it was sooooo long ago, that it didn't really happen.

But then I think of something funny that so and so said, or something that I saw and I'm back there at Sock Summit once again... the memories are still there. I don't know if I'll ever make it to another sock summit or be around that type of wonderness again, so for that simple reason... I will always be thinking about the first SOCK SUMMIT.

Anyway... back to the socks... so yeah, I should be done but as for knitting lately, me and knitting, we don't see eye to eye. So much so that when I'm sitting, watching TV, I don't even pick it up. This is not like me. Usually, anytime I am sitting (not while at work), I have something in my hands and it's usually yarns and needles. Everyone once in awhile, it's food. :)

So last weekend, to get some design stuff off the brain, I decided to swatch a few things. In doing so, I've come to the conclusion yet again, that Barbara Walker is the HOT MAMA MAD GENIUS of the world! I found a pattern in Dictionary #2 that I really liked. I thought it would work well for this yarn I've been dying to use. Since it's a textured/lace type of pattern, I thought I would do some type of textured cable on both sides of said scarf/wrap and I found the perfect one. The Rapunzel Braid. Oh how I love the Rapunzel Braid. So after looking at both patterns, which happen to be 8 row repeats, I noticed that ROW 1 of both patterns was written as the WS (wrong side). GENIUS! These patterns were MEANT to go together. Seriously, Barbara, we love you! Your genius took away a lot of the work for us and we are all so thankful.

Anyway... after starting this swatch (not a swatch) full on into the pattern I went... I realized, A, too many repeats of Cherry Pattern and the B. (much much later and in smaller swatch mode) these 2 texture patterns really DO NO WORK with my yarn! Color me sad! :(

I take it as a NOT-LOSS though. I learned a great deal from it. Certain variagated yarns do ok with textures, certain yarns don't. It really is a trial and error thing however, if you are familiar with the 'build' of the yarn and the twist, you can make a good guess at how it will act once knit. But the color adds a whole new diversion to the design of things.

Anyway, suffice it to say, I was in design fail.

Onto fail #2 or 5 or 10.... I started drawing up a pattern that's been in my head forever... and well, I saw something similar to it in a mag... now what's in my head is different ENOUGH, so I don't see it as entirely crossing, but still I was deflated that someone else made something similar already and how could I get my pattern to translate into something that people would want to make? Now take a step back here, if I make something just for me, that is all well and good, but what I'm hoping is that I'll have a design PEOPLE will want to knit. I don't know why, but that is a goal. It'll happen someday I suppose.

Oh and then Friday night another sorta fail, I decided to finally jump right into intarsia, I was feeling sassy and thought I'd love to have this beautiful shawl done by Christmas. It's the Nonna's Garden Shawl by Knit Picks done in the DK weight of City Tweed. For those not familiar with the pattern, it has 320 stitches and you work it across in 4 sections. So there's the cast on part, then you PURL a whole row of 320 stitches... and then start the pattern. So I did about 3 rows and hit a snag. My colors/count was off somewhere between 220 and 250. So I tinked... worked again... nope still off... tinked a WHOLE row and on the next go round decided to put markers at every quadrant break (80 stitches). That seemed to work better and I got through row 3 without fail. I rested for the night, it was late.

Gave more thought to the project and thought how after several rows and 320 stitches across I would be carrying around a fairly weighty project with LOTS o'strings dangling and tangling about. It made me a little twitchy. So last night after attempting row 4 only to get to the end with a mistake, I pulled it all out. I rolled up all my little strings into nice neat butterflies and decided I would work this project differently. I will do it in sections instead and seam it. I know it sounds risky and dangerous, but it's a risk I think I can live with. But to test the theory, I'm going to play with some yarn swatches and the mattress stitch and MAKE sure I can line my SHIT up and it will work. I really think this is the way to go and in the end you add a backing (for stability) and it will hide all the ends and such anyway. It will be good. So I have yet to cast on that project again.

But the desire to work a shawl/wrap is very heavy with me. I wish I had another vacation week from work so that I could sit, uninterrupted in a studio-like atmosphere and design and draw and contemplate and swatch and work out the details. If I had that kind of time, I could probably get something done.

In the meantime though, last night I cast on a shawl pattern (not my own), but it's easy enough and I love the yarn, so for now it's a small piece but will grow quickly. I just need a better marking system to show where I am as the rows get bigger. I tend to get lost often and wonder where the H I am!

SO I think that's a lengthy story.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. I love the mattress stitch and can give you a hand if you need one. It is magical to me just like kitchener. You cracked me up when I read "make sure i can line my shit up".

    BTW... I took the leap with my sweater in time out the other night and just did what the pattern said despite my brain telling me it didn't seem right and guess what??? It worked out so I am back to knitting on that when I can set the socks down long enough.
