Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Knitting: The new year with EZ?

So I've been meaning to post this for a few days, but let's face it, I've been lazy. Well not so much lazy and just not feeling like being online. I spent the last few of my days off knitting away. Well except Sunday. Was feeling allergies quite a bit, so I medicated and dozed on the couch most of the day. Am better now, thank grace. After the month long 2008 Yuck (nov-dec), I was REALLY done with being sick.

Moving on... I've made mention of knitting along with Elizabeth Zimmerman in 2009. I've toyed with starting the Almanac. I'd really love a big crazy Aran sweater which is the January project. I have 2 summer babies coming along one in June and one in July(they're still baking in their respective ovens right now), so I'd love to do the February baby stuff as well... after that it was like a "we'll see" sort of thing. Over this past weekend, I did a lot of reading, Knitting w/out Tears, Knitter's Workshop, Knitting Around and the Almanac... and what I realized is this... I don't really want to MAKE these patterns. I mean reading about her techniquie and why she did things the way she did was really great. I've picked up many useful tips and things to try... but as for the patterns, I'm not SUPER crazy about any of them. I mean they are all "okay" but I feel like I'm at a point that I can pretty much create what I want in the sizing I want.

Now let me step back for a second. I feel like I can do this for my size specifically. And I'm thinking of making baby stuff... well here is where I might be a little stuck, ya see, cause I don't have a baby of my own and I don't have baby measurements, so creating baby garments might not be quite my forte just yet.... but that's ok. Good pal Julane is walking through 2009 with Barbara Walker and all her genius. And she'll be trying to take what she can through BW's top down techniques, etc.

I think what I really want to learn in 2009 is some of the different cast on methods, Tubular, etc. I'm also interested in the Portuguese style of knitting, not that I'd like it, but I am curious. As I said previous, I want 2009 to be one of my FINISHING years. We all know I have a lot to finish! I still need to make up my schedule. I think if I get my projects and their respective yarns together and get them in a calendar book, that MAYBE I can get it done.

I also need to make a list of WANTS. What I WANT to make, for myself and for others. Then I can schedule those as appropriate as well. Here is where my major project detours come in... new issues of magazines or knitty come out and I see all sorts of new stuff! And then I have a whole new list of wants to make.

And for is phenomenal as ravelry is... sometimes an old fashion notebook or journal is better. it's tangible and real and if I physically write it out, I feel a better "stick-to-it-iveness."

I have another long weekend coming up... so that will be my plan. Also look forward to my 365-Photo-A-Day. Hopefully Lindsey and I can keep each other on pace to get the whole year done up right!

I'm excited for 2009. 2008 was a pretty darn good year, it had it's frustrations but overall it turned out ok. I look forward to 2009 being good, too. At least I hope for that. I'll take the downs as part of life as long as there is always and upside... and let's face... we'll always have knitting!


  1. I have been thinking of late about different cast on methods too. Perhaps I will as that to my 2009 goals list.

  2. I'm glad you're thinking about what you're going to focus on... you didn't sound too sure about the EZ thing. Sounds like you're ready to do your own thing!

    Although maybe instead of different cast on's you should look into different cast offs! If you're going to focus on finishing projects this year, that's where you should be focusing. :p

    I'm glad we're doing Project 365. I don't think I could 100% self motivate on that one. I'm already like, what am I going to take pictures of every day??
