Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Knitting: similar to baking

Baking, what you say?!

So today instead of knitting, I thought I would be crafty and bake some cookies. We are going to the in-laws for supper so I would make a variety and take some there. Great idea, right? Well, no wrong!

I found this tastey sounding recipe for chocolate cookies. Now for my whole life I've been looking for a good chocolate cookie recipe. If you've ever had the Archway chocolate cookies, this is what I'm talking about, similar to a sugar cookie, but chocolate instead. Anyway... I found this recipe to try. And the cookie taste is not quite what I wanted, but it's not bad. Here's the problem. My cookies alllllll oozed together. So basically I ended up with one big pan cookie, but you could see the round/square lines where the should have been separated. No biggie I tell myself, I'll just keep these and not give them away. Oh and PS, I put LESS on the next cookie sheet, some of them still managed to meet up and meld together.

Moving on, snickerdoodles, these will be fine, I make them all the time. Guess what... the all mushed together too!! SEriously.

Again, I put less on the next sheet, some were ok, others, not. WEIRD. So in my quest to make like 3 more cookie types, I decided to take a break. I have lots of knitting to keep me occupied!

So how is baking like knitting... well as I learned today, sometimes, things don't turn out how you would like them too. You could be knitting perfect little stitches or rolling beautiful little cookie balls in sugar, but when you get to the end something might go awry. It happens, it's life. No use crying about it, except we'll be eating more cookies here and giving less away, I suppose. :)

PS, sophie taste tested and she approves!

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