Monday, February 2, 2009

Knitting: Lunchtime progress

So this morning, I was having a mildly bad morning. No particular REASON, I mean there are always annoyances at work... that's a given, I guess I've been a tad moody lately, so I'm taking everything VERY personal and things are bothering me more than they normally would.

Holy runon sentance batman... anyway... I was going to go out because it's a fairly nice day out, temp is not so bitter cold and the sun is out which tends to make everything a little better.

Anyway, I decided if I went out I probably wouldn't get any knitting done and for another reason, I really had nowhere to go, so that would just be a waste of gas, right? Settled it and went down to our little safe where I sat by a window in full on sun and had a tasty pot-roast sandwich, salad and KNITTED! I worked on the entrelac sock and I really like how it is coming along. That being said, I have this nagging feeling that I should really rip it out and start over. The toe isn't as "pretty" as I'd like it to be, so I'd like a do-over and I switched to US1 size needles today on the 3rd tier. I was on US2, but thought the stitches looked too loosey goosey.

It's several hours worth of work to rip apart which is why I haven't yet. But I think what if I keep going and I really hate it... that's just MORE work. But then I think... will it really matter that much in the end when they are all finished? And that part of me, thinks... no, it won't really matter that much. So I should just move on and keep going. I guess the other part of my thought process is that, these socks are for ME. Secondly because they are entrelac and I'll be able to FEEL all those little squares, I may not wear them TOO often because I have very sensitive feet and if my socks don't feel right, then I just aint right all day.

So in retrospect they will most likely be more for show and the HEY, I made those trophy. :) Anyway... I'm not going to frog, I have precious little time to do these, want to be done by end of Feb. Anyway, it's Entrelac and multiple colors which I love and the yarn is really nice. I love the project, it's fun to make, so block by block I'll keep 'er going.

And after knitting and texting Julane at lunch... the day just isn't so bad. Knitting heals, it does.

1 comment:

  1. I bet once you put it on your foot it will be beautiful. I like how those colors pop.
