Friday, February 8, 2008

For the Love of Funk

Hi! I thought I would jump in here and introduce myself! I'm the infamous Audra, Kristie's friend and partner in Yarn and Fabric crime! We also get into trouble with scrapbook and rubberstamp stuff, but we won't go into that now! I love the name of our blog, Fiber Funktastic! I'm one of those people that like to make up words but also love to use the words that other people make up. I think I'm a pretty normal person and most people, when they meet me, think I'm pretty normal, so I have to show my personality in my words and colors and crafts!

As Kristie mentioned we've been talking about starting a business for years. I am also hoping that it goes into fruition sooner than later. I have many, many ideas and have been researching a business for years but I think my problem is getting the guts to just go ahead and do it.

One of these days, I'll have to take a picture of my stash. You would think that I had my own craft store in my home. I too buy more stuff than I can use at any one given time. I would love to be able to knit, crochet, quilt, etc....all day, any day, any time that I wanted. Wouldn't the world be a much calmer, sweeter place if everyone knit!

I say "Craft On!"

1 comment:

  1. We will definitely have to get some pictures of that stash!
