Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Knitting: The Sockqueen's video tips

So BOM square #2 is officially done. I called it done the other day, but still had the bind off today. Michelle uses Grandma's Favorite Bind Off. It's a bind off I hadn't ever heard of, but Michelle likes it because it gives a nice stretchy even edge. And, I tried it, A. It's easy and B. the edge looks awesome!

The basics of the b/o are to P2TOG, put loop back on LH needles and repeat. Super simple and like I said, nice looking edge.

For those that don't know Michelle, she works at Temptations in Dublin, her rav name is Sockqueen and she has designed a LOT of socks! Her website which is linked above has tons of tips and different videos to check out.

Speaking of socks, Cath and I were going to do a KAL but that was put on hold. I did start a sock, but have decided to wait since I really want to make Secret Garden. So yesterday, I casted on for Secret Garden and this morning I ripped it out because I didn't like the way the toe looked. I'll start over again sometime today.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh yes, the BO with several names! I've heard that called Russian BO and also decrease BO (and other names I can't recall at the moment). ...and then there's also the variation where you do it in pattern, too. I use that quite a bit, my favorite variation being to do it in pattern using k2togTBL for the knits. There's also a similar BO that has you slipping a stitch from LN to RN before decreasing: You do one normal BO to begin; *next, you slip the next stitch p-wise to the RN; then you do a decrease by putting LN through the fronts of the 2 sts and pulling a loop through (a ssk variation, so this would be considered a "knit" BO). Repeat from *. For the purl version: you'd still slip p-wise, then put LN through the backs of the two sts and pull a loop through (a p2tog variation). I forget how this BO looks, so now you have me wanting to revisit it so that I can compare the two since they're so similar ;-p
