Saturday, January 16, 2010

Knitting: Yes it's another sock

Since I'm going to Sticks 'N Stitches today, I decided I needed something fairly simple to knit as well as something on wooden needles. I currently don't have any WIPS that fit either category. Hard to believe, but true. So in the wee hours of the morn when I woke up, ie. 6AM on a Saturday... I cast on another project.

It's a sock project that I've been wanting to do for some time. It was featured in Knitty, sometime back, Summer '08 (I think). It's called Spring Forward and I was going to use a lovely shade of green to knit this however, I deicded I really wanted to use some of the lovely blue moon yarn I purchased back in November. So I'm using the Water Lilies color way (think Money painting). And what better time to think of Spring that in the middle of cold snowy January.

So I cast on. Did 1x1 twisted rib for an inch and have already completed a few rows of the main pattern. It's a pretty easy repeat to remember, so I hope these socks go quickly. I'm not entirely positive how much knitting will be done at the Hockey match... because I am a Hockey addict and LOVE it... so I may not get much done. No matter, I am ready for both.

Had a bit of bad news this morning. A friend of mine is having a rough time right now and another friend from my home town just lost his father. Dan was a really great man. Being from such a small town, you really DO know everyone! Anyway, Dan worked for the fire department as well as did tons of odd jobs around town. My gram hired him to plow her drivewayn every year. It's a really long drive and up hill. He and his wife Carol, owned the "Corner Cut/Rate" for years and years. Just really nice people. Anyway, my thoughts are with Jim, Jamie, Carol and the rest of their family today.

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