Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Misc: Land of the lost

So in my still posting nearly daily phase of January, here I am again. This time not talking about knitting. I've been a bit spacey lately, enter "land of the lost." It's kind of weird because normally I'm pretty grounded, logical and let's face it overly dramatic... I'm good with all that. But then there's this spaciness that I just don't get and I don't really like it all that well.

I think it mostly stress trying to eek it's way out of my brain and giving me a way to deal, so it makes my brain mush and spacey. It's ok, I'm not like drowning in space or anything like that... I definitely just feel in an odd state of being right now.

I think the stress is mostly work related. It's not bad stress necessarily, just a WHOLE hell of a lot to do type stress. But, I made the proverbial LIST of things to do, and I'm just going to work that list and if new things crop up, they will get added to the end or if high priority, might get inserted in there somewhere. So that's the plan for today. And this is my next to last day of work this week. Having Fridays off is great indeed. A HUGE gas saver for me and it gives me that much needed 3rd day to the weekend.

While this schedule is great and suits me fine, sometimes these 10 hour days are just so long! In the mornings when I come in (usually first on the scene), I feel like I was literally just here 5 minutes ago... and I'm not always last to leave, but nearly so. The days are getting longer though, so when I buzz out at 5:30, there is still a bit of light before dusk really settles in. It's nice. For awhile in December there it was pitch black coming in and pitch black leaving. That really sucked.

Anyway... I digress. The days are getting longer and with this seriously effing cold front that is kicking in, I'm really looking forward to spring. I need to finish cleaning up my front yard and flower beds (atrocious) and then my pretty stuffs will start popping up and be lovely. I hope to plant more "things" this year, but we'll see if I can get the lazy out and actually do it.

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