Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Knitting: The kitchener stitch (gasp)

So for years... I've heard of this kitchener stitch business. People HATE the kitchener stitch, they think it's a bother... the list goes on. Well never one to be intimidated, a gal named Lara showed me the technique, so at that time I used it on my next finished sock, which I believe was the Fade Away Mystery sock. Turned out great and I was HOOKED on it. It just looks so pretty and nicely finished. A great touch.

Well a few weeks ago, Olliesmomknits/AKA Brandy was one that mentioned Yarnholic Beth's mantra about knit, purl, purl, knit, etc.. or maybe that's backwards... but anyway, as I was finishing up the Schooner Sock (#1) I again decided on the kitchener. Of course as always, I had to look it up since I've not done it that often and anyway as I'm going along, it finally HIT me, the KPPK thingy... anyway, it's done now and looks lovely. So the kitchener is my new BFF. :) And I finally have it in my head so that I remember HOW to do it and won't have to look it up again in the future! YAY ME!

And so last night when contemplating what to work on, I decided on Schooner Sock #2. And miracles being what they are... when I finished #1, I was at the beginning of the yellow stripe of yarn, which is where the c/o for #1 was, so my stripes (which I planned to match instead of taking the serendipitous course) will end up matching without me even trying. How awesome is that?! Very, I think. I did notice my tail for the cast on should have been a squee longer because I ended up with about a one inch tail, but oh well. Anyway, did a few rounds on #2 and it's going well. I hope to work on it more this evening and the rest of the week. I didn't do any lunchtime knitting today but maybe tomorrow.

And in other sock business... I just found out about Sock Summit '09 which I totally want to go to. I'm strongly considering saving for that instead of going to Knitter's Connection. Unless there is some amazing class or person that I just HAVE to see, maybe then KC will do, but as it is I've always wanted to go to Portland, so why not have a double motive for going, vacation and knitting... wahoo! Anyway, this is all contingent on money, logistics, etc... as things normally are, but it's something to work towards. I'm always better with a goal in mind you know.

And one more thing on socks... mollylouhoo was blogging about a year of socks or something awhile back and I thought... it would probably be possible.. but is that all I want to work on? Well... let me just say, I have 1 single sock done and am working on #2, I have another sock with the heel flap almost done and I have another set on the needles, but only have them about 2 inches progress (2 at a time). SO if I really got my rear in gear, I could have almost 2 pair completed by end of January. And I have plans for February, because I'm doing mystery sock again and it's a cable sock, so I'll probably enjoy it and could see finishing that pare, AND... I was looking at one of the rav groups for socks and they have monthly plans and the Feb sock challenge is to knit a Gigi Silva pattern (awesome) or Entrelac. And I love entrelec but haven't made socks with it, so that is kind of pulling me that way. PLUS, I bought this yarn, 2 diff colors for a sock like fade away, but didn't use them and as each isn't enough for a full pair, I need another 2 color sock idea, so kablam... Enter Entrelac. So I think that will be the big february project. I'll def cast on for those after these other 2 pair are done. And an aside, Eunny Jang (whom I <3) did a pair of 2 color Entrelac knee-highs in the Spring 07 or 08 issue of Interweave. (Its on rav if you are interested)

So as I'm moving towards finishing these socks and looking ahead at MORE socks... I realize, having 12 completed pair of socks by the end of 2009, might actually be doable for me. And why not, it's so easy to take socks out and about, they are small and enjoyable. Although I do like me some big needle knitting too, like my bulky sweater. Am hoping to plan on c/o for the front piece this weekend... hopefully I'll be done with SS #2. Ok, so that's all my crazy sock talk for now.

ps... i could have put links in this post, and I'm sorry I didn't... but frankly I don't have the energy right now. I'm at work and should actually BE working... but knitting is on my mind.... as it always is. Obsessed much? Me, no. :)


  1. Kitchener stitch rocks. I have never got why people freak out over it.... Just take it one step at a time and it will be ok! Anyway great post. I am in a sock kind of mood too even though I frogged my woodsmokes last night. I ordered sock yarn today.

  2. yay....kitchener stitch...i think it's one of those things that is just frightening to read directions....just do it!

  3. Since Kitchener is your new BFF, here's a popular link that goes beyond stockinette. Also, you'll have to check out the Mary Thomas book I'm bringing tomorrow night because she even has pictures of grafting 2x2 ribbing!

  4. Beth rocks! She made kitchner my BFF too! I just need to learn to do it on things other than stockinette! ;)
