Sunday, January 25, 2009

Knitting: With a salad spinner?!

WHAT? you say. Well... let's step back a minute....

Friday night I worked on the Schooner sock, did the short row heel which I bungled a bit on one side, oh well, it's done and I didn't want to go backwards. I was exhausted Friday night, so I went to bed early. Well with early bed time, means early waking on Saturday morning... so I was up at 5 and knitting on the sock. Then I laid back down to "nap" and then Scot called and I decided to get off my arse and get out.

So we met up and went to the Scott Antique show at the fairgrounds. We had a blast, we made fun of so much junk and relived our youth with some of the old toys and dishes and THIGNS. After that we tripped over to the North Market where I bought some stuff from Pastaria for dinner and a few Petit Fours and a BIG HUGE PB cookie for Brian. Then I came home and from hours of walking, I decided to nap... 2 and a half hours later... I didn't feel like cooking, so we ordered Pizza and saved the Pastaria for dinner today and let me tell ya, it was YUM!

Anyway, I squandered like SEVEN whole hours of knitting... actually maybe a little more. I was mad at myself, so I picked up the needles and I busted out on that sock and finished it Sat. night. I just kept knitting and thought this is a good time to start the decreases and let me tell ya... it was amazing... I made it to the absolute perfect point! The sock fits my foot sooo perfectly and I LOVE IT! By the time that was done, I was pretty much nodding off, so I crashed out.

So this morning, I got out the big green cable sweater sleeves and went to work on those. We went to breakfast at Frisch's where Patrick and Steven and his son Mason came along as well. Mason was cracking me up. Last time I saw him, he was a newborn and he's like 3 now. Anyway back home to more knitting, knitting, knitting.

And the sleeves are DONE! YAY. So after dinner I decided to woolwash (in kookaburra of course) and last time with the sweater back I just squeezed and squeezed to get the water out... but today, I thought... HEY, SALAD SPINNER! Not just for salad! So I spun the heck out of it and WOW, amazing. IT worked so well and I couldn't believe how much water I actually got out of it. I guess there really was a reason for me buying the bigger salad spinner. I almost walked away with the small one and that would have never worked. Anyway, it's now drying on a towel over the dog crate. So I feel very accomplished.

Sleeves in the spinner 25/365

Sweater Sleeves

Julane thinks I should cast on for the 2nd sock to get it done... but I'm feeling a strong pull to finish my other sock, the friendship one. But then I think the Schooner sock really only took me THREE days to do from c/o to finish, so then I think... wow in the time it takes me to finish the friendship sock, I could have a 2nd sock done and be WEARING them! :) Wow what a feat (no pun intended)!

Anyway, this finishing stuff is kind of addicting.... I want to bust out all the old stuff and get it done. Of course this could owe to the fact that I'm not really inspired by much lately. I mean I look at stuff and think, eh... but nothing is really pulling me to knit THAT thing. HOWEVER... I do have scrumptious yarn to knit up and that is pulling me. Mostly it is sock yarn, so I guess I better keep busting on these socks. And I do have some lovely malabrigo lace that wants to be knit, too, but I'm just not ready to go there quite yet. Plus I HAVE got to finish these socks and the sweater before I cast on for anything else.

Oh and I have baby stuff to make too... good grief, I need a game plan. :)

And I have pics of this stuff... but if you are reading this and not seeing them it's because I haven't uploaded them yet, so check back if you want to see 'em!

EDIT:photos added


  1. See you met your goal. You said you would have something finished by today and you did! Great job.

    That is so funny about the cats and their licking plastic. I thought it was just a Kiki thing.

  2. Congrats! You finished a sock, that rocks!

    Ok,the salad spinner idea is fab. Such a great idea. That sweater is going to be so cool.

  3. LOL, that's pretty inventive with the salad spinner.

  4. I love the salad spinner!! I hate squeezing the water out -- I'm gonna have to try spinning!
